Wands e Rods

17 resultado(s) no total.
Ícone Nome Ataque Level Mínimo Peso
Wand of Dimensions   37 28
Snakebite Rod 13 7 19
Wand of Vortex 13 7 19
Moonlight Rod 19 13 21
Wand of Dragonbreath 19 13 21
Necrotic Rod 30 19 23
Wand of Decay 30 19 23
Wand of Draconia 30 22 27
Northwind Rod 30 22 29
Terra Rod 45 26 25
Wand of Cosmic Energy 45 26 25
Hailstorm Rod 65 33 27
Wand of Inferno 65 33 27
Wand of Starstorm 65 37 25.5
Wand of Voodoo 65 42 28.5
Springsprout Rod 65 37 27
Underworld Rod 65 42 29

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